Series Schedule

@ Fernbank Museum: Woodland Spirits and other Musical Creatures

Sun. Oct. 15 @ 1 PM: Check out Fernbank’s whimsical exhibition of Woodland Spirits and then come sit down and enjoy a program of Musical Spirits including music of MacDowell and Whitcup performed by pianist Julie Coucheron, harpist Elisabeth Remy-Johnson, and flutist James Zellers. Free with Museum Admission

Buy Fernbank Tickets

Santa’s Favorite Chamber Music 

Sun. Dec. 10 @ 4 PM: We welcome back Old Saint Nick himself to introduce some of his favorite classical works and give treats to good listeners. He'll also lead a sing along of favorite Holiday songs with pianists Julie Coucheron & William Ransom.

Julie Coucheron with Santa Clause

Pajama Concert: Chinese New Year Celebration

Fri. Feb. 9 @ 7 PM: Celebrate the Year of the DRAGON on Chinese New Year’s Eve with hot chocolate with marshmallows and the Vega Quartet. Bring a stuffed animal and a blanket, and wear your PJs if you like!


Atlanta's Young Artists

Sun. Feb. 25 @ 4 PM: Some of the area’s finest pre-college musicians perform on this exciting annual showcase of what talent and hard work can produce at a very young age.

Young Artists

Meet Mr. Goffriller, the 320-Year-Old Cello!

Sun. Apr. 21 @ 4 PM: Zuill Bailey introduces his prized instrument, a 320-year-old treasure made by Matteo Goffriller, with music and stories about its amazing history.
